MediaCP Manual
    1. Getting Started
    2. Sales Questions
    3. Frequently Asked Questions
    4. Transcoder System Benchmarks
    5. Start your own streaming platform
    1. Change account currency
    2. Product Licensing
    1. Introduction
    2. Installation & Upgrade
      1. System Requirements
      2. Versions & Releases
      3. Installation
      4. Upgrading
      5. Streaming Servers
        1. Nginx-Rtmp Video Server
        2. Flussonic Media Server
        3. Icecast 2 / Icecast KH
        4. Video Feature Comparison
        5. Wowza Streaming Engine
      6. SSL Certificates
    3. Billing Integration
      1. WHMCS Integration Guide
      2. Clientexec Integration Guide
      3. Blesta Integration Guide
    4. Migrate from other software
      1. Migrate from Centovacast
    5. Backup & Restoration
      1. Backup MediaCP
      2. Restore MediaCP
      3. Transfer to another server
    6. Administration
      1. Custom Web Service Configurations
      2. Reset Admin Password
      3. Port 80 / 443 Proxy
      4. MediaCP System Commands
      5. Change MediaCP domain name
      6. Move media to another hard disk
      7. Secure your server
      8. Troubleshooting Login Errors
      9. Custom Facebook App
    7. Scaling
      1. Scale with Wowza and CloudFront CDN
      2. Nginx-Rtmp with CloudFront CDN
    8. Troubleshooting
      1. Grant access to support team
      2. Troubleshooting Wowza Streaming Engine
      3. FTP Troubleshooting
      4. MySQL Database Troubleshooting
      5. Reporting Troubleshooting
      6. Troubleshooting Liquidsoap AutoDJ
      7. Video Relay Troubleshooting
    1. Introduction
    2. Administrators Dashboard
    3. System Configuration
      1. General
      2. Services
      3. Video Players
      4. Albums
      5. Email
      6. Plugins
      7. Statistics
      8. Backups
      9. Custom HTML
      10. Misc
    4. Customer Accounts
      1. Managing existing Customers
      2. Create a new Customer
      3. Deleting a Customer
      4. Login as another Customer
      5. Send email to Customer
      6. Reset Customer Password
    5. Reseller Accounts
      1. Reseller Plans
      2. Create a Reseller Account
    6. Media Services
      1. Creating a Media Service
      2. Deleting a Media Service
    7. Announcements
      1. Managing Announcements
      2. Creating Announcement
      3. Deleting Announcement
    8. Statistics
    9. Software Health
    10. Software Updates
    11. Email Templates
    12. API
    1. API Documentation
    2. Custom Domain Names
    3. Shoutcast 2 Admin Guide
    4. Wowza and Flussonic on same system
    5. Submit a feature request
    6. Wowza Custom Properties
    1. Shoutcast 2 Live Broadcasting
    2. DJ Priorities
    3. HTML5 Audio Player
    4. Broadcasting with AutoDJ
    5. Shoutcast 2 Premium
    6. Mount Points
    1. Getting started with video streaming
    2. Live Streaming Overview
    3. TV Station Overview
    4. Ondemand Video Streaming
    5. Relay & IP Camera
    6. Connecting your encoder
    7. Managing your media files
    8. Embedding player on your website
    9. Video Transcoding (Adaptive Bitrate Streaming)
    10. Image Logo or Watermark Overlay on Video Stream
    11. nDVR Live Streaming
    12. Shoutcast 2 Stream Publishing
    13. Facebook Live Streaming
    14. Youtube Stream Publishing
    15. Icecast Stream Publishing
    16. Twitch Stream Publishing
    17. Periscope Stream Publishing

Last updated 11 months ago

Includes advanced configurations that don’t belong to any other category.

API Access

This configuration controls access to the MediaCP API. The API allows remote commands to be securely communicated through the platform, it is often used for integration into external systems such as Billing Systems or to enhance a Workflow.

Some examples of API usage:

  • An administrator uses the API to integrate with WHMCS Billing System
  • An administrator or reseller uses the API to automatically provision new Customers and Services when their customers complete payment
  • A customer automatically creates an automatic workflow to create DJ accounts

There are three levels of control, by default new Customers are not provided access to the API unless manually enabled by an Administrator:

  • Enabled – new users will not be provided API access until enabled
  • Enabled – new users will be provided API access by default
  • Disabled – No API Access, billing integrations will not work
Each Customer receives a unique API key that can be reset at any time. Documentation is available from the Customers Account Profile.

Listener/Viewer Maps



Google ReCAPTCHA adds a layer of security to the login page. When enabled, the Google ReCAPTCHA will be displayed after an unsuccessful login to the control panel.

You must provide a valid ReCAPTCHA v2 Site Key and Secret to use this feature.

If an invalid Site Key or Secret is provided, you may be locked out of the control panel.

Disable Google ReCAPTCHA

If Google Recaptcha is configured incorrectly it may restrict users from logging into the MediaCP. You can solve this issue by disabling the captcha.

  1. Login to SSH as root user
  2. Run the following command in SSH to disable ReCAPTCHA
echo "UPDATE settings SET value = 'disabled' WHERE setting = 'captcha';" | /usr/local/mediacp/mysql/bin/mysql --protocol=SOCKET --socket=/usr/local/mediacp/mysql/data/mysql.sock --user=root --password= mediacp >/dev/null 2>&1


  • FTP Server Prefix – FTP usernames are configured with a default prefix of “ftp_” before the users id. You can adjust the prefix by updating this value however please note it may be required to reset FTP accounts by running the following.
/root/init --reset-ftp


  • Debugging – Debugging output will provide additional information for MediaCP Support Team when an error is displayed in the control panel. It should be disabled unless there is a problem.
  • RESET Reporting Statistics – This will permanently delete the Historical Reporting data. If the database is quite large, then this may take some time to complete.
  • RESET Data Transfer – Permanently delete all bandwidth and data transfer information, effectively resetting all limits and destroying past data.
  • Refresh System Cache – Clears system caches such as Station Pages, HTML Player Configurations, Templates, Thumbnails, and Cover Art. If you have changed a setting in the control panel and it is not reflected, or there are broken thumbnails, then refreshing the system cache is recommended.

Table of Contents